Why Bother?

Blog 39 – That Fake Smile – Why Bother?


Whether it’s full or a half-smile, whether it’s natural or forced…

You already know which smile I’m talking about.

We do it all the time… In fact, we receive them just as often if not more. We can all recognise a fake smile when we see one.

You’re doing it right now aren’t you? Look at you, practicing and that…

I’m talking about that one when you see the cashier over at the supermarket.

I’m talking about that one when you see that one person you don’t know the name of but see them on the way back from work every single day.

I’m talking about that one when your friend tells you the lamest of jokes.

I’m talking about that one when you walk past a policeman.

I’m talking about that one when you hold the door open for someone and look them dead in the eye, judging their lack of appreciation.

I’m talking about that one when you aren’t particularly fond of the person walking in the opposite direction.

I’m talking about that one when you see your neighbour for the 5th time that day.

I’m talking about that one when you see your ex’s relatives.

I’m talking about that one when-… Oh, you get the point.

It does save us from tons of useless conversation… So why not?

That fake smile…. (Conversation, rather)…

Why Bother?



4 thoughts on “Blog 39 – That Fake Smile – Why Bother?”

  1. It’s actually really hard for me to fake smile. Or fake any kind of emotion I don’t feel which can also be a pain in the ass because sometimes you’re just supposed to be fake. And it sucks, but I can’t do it. At least when I do…you can definitely tell it’s fake because I’m straining my face to do it!

    I can’t even type “lol” or “:)” while I’m chatting and I don’t actually feel any kind of joy. I can’t even fake smile on the internet!!


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